Friday, 13 July 2012


When I was younger, my lovely Mum used to make me list five nice things before I went to sleep when I was having a bad day.

Sometimes it's important to put things in perspective, so I've spent the last few weeks scribbling down things I do to make me happy. Some of them are a little odd, and some of them are staying in my head because sometimes a secret is far more delightful.
Do things that make you happy.

1) Drive without your glasses on so that you get to work without that silly dent in your nose where your glasses are too tight (or your nose is too big.) Dance whilst driving to compensate for your visual impairment. Bonus happiness points if somebody sees you, and it makes them smile.

2) Brush your teeth as many times a day as you want to.
    Don’t brush your teeth when you get in at three o clock in the morning – but don’t tell anyone.
    Brush your teeth in the shower so that you can dribble the toothpaste everywhere and anywhere.
Spit out your toothpaste on your friend’s hand when he goes to turn the tap on. Pretend it was an accident.

3) Tell a street charity worker you’re far older than you are. Or far younger. Or that you’re a caterpillar and you’re going to a fancy dress party as a human and you missed the last leaf caught on the easterly wind and now you’re running late.
(In all seriousness, if you can pull it off, say you're under 18 because then they can't try and make you sign up for anything!)
4) Go to the bar in your nicest dress and sparkliest shoes, buy a pint of cider.
Drink it with a straw.  Maybe even two straws.
5) When putting lipbalm on in a public place, use your middle finger and make eye contact with various strangers to make them think you’re swearing at them. Try to choose strangers with a mean face.  


Thursday, 12 July 2012

Hand-luggage Only.

Breakfast at Tiffany’s becomes Business Meetings in Starbucks. Everybody is busy and beautiful in their own way. Everybody is moving the same way, in different directions. There is conformity, a general understanding of a level of similarity in way of life. This is the city where everybody think they’ve got “it”. They are one step ahead and the epitomy of all cliches but somehow, in the magical way that life allows, they are all individuals. This is their underground route, their bar/cafĂ©/pub/coffee shop, this is their regular hot chocolate with soya milk and no cream. This is their contented restlessness.
This is their London.
And this is mine…

Cycling in Kensington Gardens

The V&A

Chilling with the Dinos in the Natural History Museum
